Puts it everywhere, lets it make a mess of the way things were and doesn’t care much if it gets stuck in the carpet. Her hope for you is that you keep finding it all over the place for days—that you can’t get away from it. And just when you thought you had it all cleaned up, she prays that there is a sparkle that catches your eye and reminds you that God made you, God’s plan is for you and that Jesus is the only way to truly know your identity. Your sparkle comes from knowing Christ alone.
Puts it everywhere, lets it make a mess of the way things were and doesn’t care much if it gets stuck in the carpet. Her hope for you is that you keep finding it all over the place for days—that you can’t get away from it. And just when you thought you had it all cleaned up, she prays that there is a sparkle that catches your eye and reminds you that God made you, God’s plan is for you and that Jesus is the only way to truly know your identity. Your sparkle comes from knowing Christ alone.