I wrote a book!

The Me I was Made to Be: Helping Christian Parents Navigate the Identity Conversation

coming september 10, 2024

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 Today’s kids and youth are talking about identity—and often very differently from the adults around them. How can we walk well with them through their questions about who they are and how they fit into the family of God? We must begin by telling a better gospel story, with an invitational posture that actually expects us to love God and love others.
In this engaging and disarming book that speaks to readers across the theological spectrum, author and children’s ministry expert Christie Penner Worden invites grownups along to imagine a more Jesus-centered narrative for the sake of kids who are no longer buying what the church is selling, who do not feel safe, and who have not been welcomed into the conversation that adults are having without them. The Me I Was Made to Be is the beginning of a conversation that offers a compelling story on identity rooted in a deeper understanding of the gospel—one that includes all image-bearers and extends Jesus’ welcome to all our kids.

Your kids are talking about identity. Are you part of the conversation?

Speaker, author, coach

SPEAKER, Author, UnicorN

Hi, I'm Christie.

get to know me

Christie is an exuberantly curious leader who asks passionate about seeing kids and their grownups know the great big love of our Great Big God. From dreaming to word-smithing, Christie creates spaces where generations can ask big questions about faith and explore together. She is stubbornly obedient to God’s call on her life, which often shows up like a finger painting in her imagination. Christie is outlandishly creative, tenaciously childlike and relentlessly passionate for the Gospel.

Hi, I'm Christie.

01. About

Christie is an exuberantly curious leader who asks passionate about seeing kids and their grownups know the great big love of our Great Big God. From dreaming to wordsmithing, Christie creates spaces where generations can ask big questions about faith and explore together. She is stubbornly obedient to God’s call on her life, which often shows up like a finger painting in her imagination. Christie is outlandishly creative, tenaciously childlike and relentlessly passionate for the Gospel.

Get to know me

kim h, children's pastor, tennessee

"She grabs the attention of adults and children alike with her passionate, unique perspectives regarding Kingdom living."

"Christie turns what most see as black and white into vibrant, full color teaching." 

Camp Crossroads Camper, Age 8 

"I've been more motivated to listen. You should see my notebook."

"She totally had Jesus speaking to her." 

Camp Crossroads Camper, Age 8 

I've been more motivated to listen. You should see my notebook."

"She totally had Jesus speaking to her.

Kim H, Kids Pastor, North Carolina

"She grabs the attention of adults and children alike with her passionate, unique perspectives regarding Kingdom living."

"Christie turns what most see as black and white into vibrant, full color teaching."

02. Kind Words

Speaking + Teaching

What would it take to go from where you are in KidMin to where you believe you were meant to go? I work with Kids Ministry Directors, Pastors and Leaders to take their ministries where God is calling.

Known as a leaky firehose (all my feelings ooze out of my eyeballs), I aim to charm and impassion adults and kids alike at conferences and camps across North America.

I say stuff. About a lot of things. These are my thoughts on a few of them. This is where I declutter my brain, let you in and write about an audaciously loving God.

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1-on-1 Coaching

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03. Ways to Work Together

Speaking + Teaching

Known as a leaky firehose (all her feelings ooze out of her eyeballs), Christie charms and impassions adults and kids alike at conferences and camps across North America.

learn more

1-on-1 Coaching

What would it take to go from where you are in KidMin to where you believe you were meant to go? I work with Kids Ministry Directors, Pastors and Leaders to take their ministries where God is calling.

get in touch

Read the Blog

I say stuff. About a lot of things. These are my thoughts on a few of them. This is where I declutter my brain, let you in and write about an audaciously loving God.

start reading